Individual eLearning Samples
Below, you can view a variety of eLearnings, prototypes, and other media I have authored.
Conversation Simulator
#SoftSkills, #ExtendedPracticeModule,
Adobe Captivate
*Not compatible with mobile viewing
Understanding Labor-Based Grading
#HigherEd, #CourseFacilitation,
Articulate Rise
Rumie Design Work
Through agile, sprint-based collaboration with other designers at Rumie, I create ideas, storyboard them, and develop them into eLearning for the young adult learner. I cover technical topics as well as high-traffic priority topics.
Visit my Rumie profile or select from the carousel below:
You can also view the storyboards for the Rumie modules above
Microscope parts - storyboard
Koehler illumination - storyboard
Veterinary career - storyboard
Fidget activities - storyboard
AI for traveling - storyboard
Equity literacy- storyboard
Military veterinary career- storyboard